Sometimes I see you
Sometimes I see me
Sometimes I see we

In what is destine to be
Sometimes I see through

The words that you make do
Though I don’t want to
I see the opposite of what you say is true
Then sometimes I see you

And all the good that you can do

For you, for me, and everyone else too
I don’t even try to

But when I look at you I see through

You and anyone else who doesn’t reason with what’s true.

Sometimes I see sometimes I see

Sometimes I see me

I see the soul mates we are meant to be

Yeah sometimes I see through

Sometimes I see lies

So I look deeper for what’s true

And that’s when I see

Yeah, that’s when I see you

Inside and out you’re the one who

Is meant to face my destiny with me
Good and bad baby

Soul mates we will be

What am I to do
Sitting here staring at a picture of you
Wondering when the time will come to be 

That you’re sitting here holding me, oh baby
sometimes, yeah,

Sometimes I see

My world without you because

We both wanted to be free

And oh the picture is not so pretty

Sometimes I see how we both wish things would be

Sometimes I see

Sometimes I…


i-freebird – Sheryl K. Platzer-Sartin

© 2010

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